Alberto Caban-Martinez- Co-Editor-in-Chief

Dr. Alberto Caban-Martinez is a board-certified physician-scientist, Associate Professor (tenured) of Public Health Sciences, Deputy Director of the MD-MPH Program, and Associate Provost for Regulatory Affairs, Assessment and Research Integrity at the University of Miami. He has over 10 years of domestic and international research expertise in environmental and occupational epidemiology. He serves as the Deputy Director of the Firefighter Cancer Initiative at the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center and Co-Director and Principal Investigator of the FEMA-funded Fire Fighter Cancer Cohort Study.

Viviana Horigian- Co-Editor-in-Chief

Viviana E. Horigian, MD, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Public Health Sciences at the University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine. She is currently serving as the Director of Public Health Education and is also the a director of the Americas Initiative for Public Health Innovation. Dr. Horigian is the Executive director of the Florida Node Alliance of the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network (CTN) housed at the University of Miami. The Florida Node Alliance is a partnership between scientists and program leaders from community treatment agencies located in Florida, Colorado, North Carolina, Georgia, Massachusetts, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. These partners, scientists and practitioners design, implement and train in interventions for alcohol and drug abuse treatment. Dr. Horigian has contributed to the design and implementation of the trials led by the Florida Node Alliance and manages its day to day operations as she has more than 18 years of experience in the implementation of multi-site randomized clinical trials. Dr. Horigian’s research career has been committed to improving practice through the implementation of clinical trials in real-world settings, and more recently in creating the local capacities that allow the implementation of such trials. She was the Principal Investigator of a technology transfer project that aimed to develop the research infrastructure for the implementation of rigorous randomized clinical trials in Mexico. She has also advised the same methodology for technology transfer to developing research capacity in Ecuador and Chile for the Familias Unidas Programs. Due to her international leadership, she was honored with the 2015 National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) International Program Award of Excellence.

Dr. Horigian co-teaches the MPH Learning Collaboratory for MPH & MSPH students, a novel approach to developing projects in collaboration with faculty and community organizations, targeting prevalent public health problems. She teaches Clinical Trials at the Department of Public Health Sciences at the University of Miami and also teaches an intensive course in Clinical Trials at the Institute of Psychiatry in Mexico. Since 2012 she has advised over 50 students on capstone and thesis projects.