Evaluation of the Enhanced Kampala Advanced Trauma Course in Uganda: A Mixed Methods Study


Kersti Bellardi
Rochelle Dicker




Objective: Managing acute traumatic injuries present unique challenges in low resource settings. The Kampala Advanced Trauma Course (KATC) and its integrated scenario-based moulage aims to address the skills gap for physicians-in-training to manage the high trauma burden in Uganda. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of the KATC by quantifying immediate knowledge retention, and to describe perceptions of the courses’ applicability and clinical feasibility in the Ugandan context.
Methods: We administered pre-and post-tests, student evaluation surveys, and conducted focus groups at a single site before and after the May 2016 KATC. Student and facilitator cohorts – comprised of medical/surgical interns and provider course instructors who participated in the focus groups. Median scores were compared using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Qualitative data were analyzed using a deductive approach with framework analysis.
Results:  Pre-and post-tests showed no significant student knowledge retention following the completion of the KATC (p>0.05), though median evaluation scores were high across all 14 course sections. The KATC and its scenario-based moulage were perceived favorably by both student and facilitator cohorts. Reported KATC strengths included the emphasis on practical skills, perceived applicability, and engaging teaching style. Areas for improvement included time constraints and a lack of course materials for students to reference after completing the course.

Conclusion: The enhanced KATC was well-received by providers, yet further research is needed to establish its effectiveness in transferring knowledge and clinically applicable skills before it is scaled-up across Ugandan referral hospitals. 


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